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A Way Of Self Enhancement

· One min read

Generate series of self auto activity in a background process. Passive workers that deliver some sort of products useful for the self development -a way of self optimization in time-. This is the return of various parallel controls (either modern approaches such as disturbance rejection -for a determined wanted output- or intelligent -given by the line drawn by inferential statistics, data science, machine, deep and reinforced learning, thus, ai, per se; in a direct human sense, this shall be intrinsec self developed paths to control ourselves -an evolutionary effect-, for the control -of the body-, needed to aquire the enhance of mind) that dispose an specific trait development, and of which, in a macro scale -contemplating the ever increasing parallel and/or series computation, of which the (multiple) control run is obtained-, a optimized natural (for the human)/artificial (for the digital human) selection. Now, the self conscious for a natural approach, or the metrics of the digital system, for specifics ways of behavior, that direct a sustained development in time, life (either natural or artificial), is the challenge for the design, therefore, the key for the perfect design.