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Computer Vision For On Site Safety

· 2 min read

As a Mechatronics Engineer working in the development of A.I. solutions in the Oil & Gas field, looking for optimal approaches to make processes efficient and safe, to predict assets behavior and proactively act on critical events. With the use of CV secure and controlled environments could be established provided by a holistic approach of temporal features analysis (both from the process variables as well as RGB captures of the physical asset). Even greater solutions could be developed to ensure safe and optimal process in critical environments like an Oil extraction/production facility that ultimately could be directed to mitigate the environmental impact.

In a country like Colombia, the implementation of novel technologies is still lagging and with this program I could get closer to the state of the art so as to get an edge and use it to decisive impact my career in this country, hopefully opening new windows to keep learning and finding engineered solutions to practical challenges in the field. Having this kind of opportunity would serve as a seed for the technical growth of locations around the globe and in my case, a positive impact, in a land with a highly diverse ecosystem where optimal solutions are needed to further preserve the frail balance