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QxQ - Introduction to Quantum Computing

Semester 1

Cheat Sheets


Vector and Matrices Cheat Sheet.pdf

Probability Cheatsheet.pdf

Optional Winter Review Problems.pdf

Complex Numbers Cheat Sheet.pdf

Trig Cheat Sheet.pdf

Week 0: Orientation

QubitxQubit: Quantum Computing, Orientation Lecture 10.11.20

Qubit by Qubit: Trig Review

Trig review slides.pdf

Week 1: Classical Computing

QxQ - Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 1 10.18.20

Lecture 1 Slides.pdf

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 3, 10.20.20

Lab 1 Slides.pdf

Week 1 Homework.pdf

Week 2: Quantum Computing in Abstract

QxQ - Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 2 10.25.20

Lecture 2 Slides.pdf

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 2A, 10.27.20

Week 3: Intro to Vectors and Complex Numbers

QxQ - Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 3 11.1.20

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 2A, 11.03.20

Week 4: More Vectors and Intro to Matrices

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 4, 11.8.20

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 2A, 11.10.20

Week 5: Into to Probability & Math for Quantum PT. 1

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 5, 11.15.20

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 2A, 11.17.20

Week 6: Intro to Python PT. 1

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 6, 11.22.20

Week 7: Intro to Python PT. 2

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 7, 11.29.20

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 3, 12.1.20

Week 8: Math for Quantum PT. 2

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 8, 12.6.20

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 3, 12.8.20

Week 9: Math for Quantum PT. 3

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 9, 12.13.20

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 3, 12.15.20

Semester 2

Cheat Sheets

Oracles Cheat Sheet.pdf

Superdense Coding Quantum Teleportation Cheatsheet.pdf

Quantum Key Distribution Cheatsheet.pdf

Qiskit Cheat sheet.pdf

Quantum Mechanics Cheatsheet.pdf

Week 10: Quantum Stack & Math Review

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing Lecture 10, 1.10.21

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 1, 1.12.21

Week 11: Quantum Mechanics Pt. 1

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 11 1.17.21

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 1, 1.19.21

Week 12: Quantum Mechanics Pt. 2

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 12 1.24.21

Week 12 QxQ Lab Recording Lab 3

Week 13: Quantum Mechanics Pt. 3

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 13 1.31.21

Week 13 QxQ Lab 3 Recording

Week 14: The Qubit & Bloch Sphere

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 14, 2.7.21

Week 14 QxQ Lab 3 Recording

Week 15: The Quantum Circuit Model

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 15, 2.14.21

Qubit by Qubit: Lab 3, 2.16.21

Week 15 HW Recording: Circuit Composer

Week 16: Qiskit & IBM Quantum Experience

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 16, 2.21.21

QxQ Intro to QC: Lab 3, 2.23.21

Week 17: Quantum Circuit Mathematics

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 17, 2.28.21

Lecture 17 Worked Examples

QxQ Week 17 Section 3

Week 18: Superdense Coding & Quantum Teleportation

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 18, 3.7.21

QxQ Week 18 Section 3 - Superdense Coding

Week 19: Quantum Key Distribution (BB84)

QxQ Week 18 Section 3 - Superdense Coding

QxQ Lab 19 S3 - Quantum Key Distribution

Week 20: Intro to Quantum Algorithms

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computation, Lecture 20, 3.21.21

QxQ Lab 20 Section 3 -- Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm

Week 21: Quantum Search Algorithm

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computation, Lecture 21, 3.28.21

QxQ Lab 21 Section 3 - Grover's Algorithm

Week 22: Quantum Hardware

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 22, 4.18.21

QxQ Lab 22 Section 3 - Randomized Benchmarking

Week 23: Quantum Hardware Implementations

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 23, 4.25.21

QxQ Lab 23 Section 3 - Review

Week 24: Near-term Quantum Algorithms

QxQ: Introduction to Quantum Computing, Lecture 24, 5.2.21

QxQ Lab 24 section 3 -- QAOA